Week 4
Some context
- Engineer
- Captain - size and shape of a large fish tank
- Friendly - could pass for human
- Jukebox - the only cyborg aboard their ship with real chemoreceptors. Shaped like a steel cabinet
- Navi - all occipital tissue and myelinated axons
Subject matter
- meat
- guts/ muscle
- food/ takeout orders
- customers
- cyborgs
- space shuttle
- marine
- culinary
- review system
- beacon
Food mentioned in the story
- Salisbury steak
- blueberry cobbler
- wine
- Savoury sauce.
- Blackberries (mashed up by Friendly’s fingers)
- Boxed-up meals shot between the ships in an insulated steel container
- Meat steaks seared, sausages, meatballs. filled with cilantro ganache.
- pizza
- teabags
- chocolate
- wilted handfuls of cilantro and some radishes
- the liquefied kidney paste tossed with raw pasta
- risotto
- red bean paste creamed together with ketchup and red pepper flakes. Red things.
Parts of the story that made me lol
“Humans were helpless, mewling children, so utterly dependent that they couldn’t even
feed their meat without a steel fork to guide the process. And what were cyborgs, except
meat-wrapped steel pressed into the service of lesser creatures? But now the forks were rebelling”
“Friendly wrapped her arms around her shivering meat, vibrating against Engineer’s
chassis where their limbs brushed. Meat could be like that, leaking anxieties through
uncontrolled muscle spasms. Steel never misbehaved in such an appalling manner.”
Retro vibeeess
Cyberpunk setting concept art. How light and colour can play a role in our designs
- gradients
- silhouettes (add a sense of mystery)
- contrast - bright colors against black
To watch: Made in Abyss
Colour Palette:
Spaceship Sketches:
I Looked at house hold items and sea creatures to come up with a unique style to fit within the 3 themes we are looking at
Colouring in some designs:
Ad/menu concepts
Ditch Space grub
Now Space Grill

Presentation to do list:
Interior for each concept:
- Retro
- Fancy
- Cyberpunk
Rendered posters and signage within the interior
Render space ships
Do more concepts
3 final ones for presentation
Modeling - space ship or character
Develop some of the characters
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